In Nieuw_Roden sunrise: 08:44, dawn: 16:44, daylight: 08:00. TOMORROW sunrise: 08:43, dawn: 16:45, daylight: 08:02.

Welcome to Cattery Metselaar, home of black silver abessinians

What does a horsebreeder do with abessinian cats? Honestly said, I don't know, but I do know that we owe our cattery name to horse breeding. For years we append the character M behind the name of our horses.
We decided to extend this habit to our cats, so it simply became Cattery metselaar.

"We" are  Hans and Klaaske Metselaar-Vlonk. We originally have our roots in a rural area, where a cat is just a cat who catches mice and besides that is nice but nothing special.

Together we have a son, Rogier, who enjoys our cat housekeeping, despite a slight allergy to the same cats. Many of the photos on this site are from his hand. The original design of the website was also of his hand.

We breed Abessinians on a modest scale since 2002. But the interest in the aby's goes much further back. In 1982 we bought a ruddy male, an old-fashioned one with booties.
Cherry went, just like our home-garden-and-kitchen cats, outside the house and turned out to be a formidable hunter. We have learned from him what kind of special personality the abyssinian cat has and how smart and active they are. Unfortunately our hunter did not bring it to an advanced age, and he died much to young of cataids.

In addition to cats, we also have dogs that generally go on well with the catsl.

They don't have a choice........
The horses will not be a surprise. Furthermore,we kept bees on a modest scale. Four bee colonies regularly supplied us with honey, and also pollinated our crops. In the beginning of 2014, we were forced to stop beekeeping. Changes in the agricultural industry make it almost impossible to keep bees on relatively small scales. Increasingly large parcels, deep drainage and the use of various pesticides such as neonicotinoids not only destroys the bees, but also the birds.
Finally, there are also a few sheep running around. At present our coiled herd consists of 3 oussanten.

We would like to contribute to a healthy and playful breed (for us the abyssinian). This is only possible through careful selection of queens and studs. We check as much as possible for known diseases.
Our kittens grow up in a domestic area, and are therefore used to dogs from a very early age. The abyssinian has various recognized colors. At the moment we mainly focus on black-silver, which is not very common in the Netherlands

Enjoy your visit to our site.

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